Pinterest Advertising: Effective Ads for Brands and Businesses

Pinterest Advertising: Effective Ads for Brands and Businesses

Pinterest is undoubtedly the most fast growing online social media channel and is poised to quickly become the Internet’s most promising platform for marketing and advertising. Pinterest often described as “a visual discovery tool” is developing into a rewarding tool for business-to-consumer (B2C) enterprises to promote their brand and business.

For this reason, many brands and businesses have been getting ready to launch Pinterest’s advertising campaigns. Your brand and business can no longer afford to ignore Pinterest. It is very important for potential advertisers to ensure they are ready to take advantage of this new marketing tool.

Here are some stunning statistics to demonstrate why Pinterest is ‘a sleeping powerhouse for advertisers’:
• Over 30 billion Pins on Pinterest, which have been collected by people into more than 750 million boards
• Pinterest is available in 31 different languages
• There are several millions of businesses on Pinterest
• Hard to believe but Pinterest refers more traffic than Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, etc.

Pinterest is a social network predominantly used by women who own businesses engaged with the tangible goods. In other words, brands and services have a fabulous opportunity to reach very eager and receptive consumers on Pinterest.

Pinterest amply proves that women enjoy visual platforms that feature stuff that they like to see, discuss, and possibly purchase. Pinterest is a veritable boon for B2C marketing.

To those less familiar, Pinterest consists of interconnected pin boards where users can “pin,” or upload, items they find of interest as they browse the web. Generally speaking, the content pinned must have striking visual appeal, and hence, the majority of pins are either pictures or graphics. Since nearly 85 percent of Pinterest members are females under the age of 35, there is a pronounced focus on fashion, recipes, wedding-related items, beauty, and travel.

Properly set up the Pinterest business profile, the different boards, and the company website. This means you should follow the network recommendations of incorporating “Pin It” buttons and other elements that make visual content friendly and appealing to visitors.

Understand fully the Pinterest copyright policy and begin following influential boards. You should start pinning the brand’s goods and services gradually; it is important not to dump the items all at once. Also, start looking into hashtags and rich pins for business, which allow brands to set up items such as price banners, geographic locations and any other additional information.

Make it a point to engage with those you are following as also with the followers you gain. This means “liking” items pinned by others, leaving positive comments, answering questions, greeting new followers, offering informative commentary, etc. The aim is to be both friendly and creative when promoting your brand.

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